Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Abundance - Abundance = Abundance

The main motive of a spiritual living is to connect oneself to abundance. In order to connect yourself to abundance, you must realize the presence of abundance around yourself. We are all connected, by default to abundance, it's just that we sometimes get too much short-sighted and myopic to realize our connection with the spirit which connects us to abundance. This is the result of our entrapment in our egos. It's not tough to get rid of that entrapment, it's a simple exercise to get rid of your ego and listen to the innermost voice of your soul that connects you to abundance. Just take note of the simple things that you do in your day-to-day lives spanning over a period of time. e.g. having your meal and drinking water can connect you to abundance. Do I sound crazy ?? But that's the truth.... it's simple !! Simply think about the number of rotis/ chapatis that you relish in a single day, it'll be around 5-6 or 8-10 depending on individual appetite, then simply think about number of chapatis that you've had in the last one week, (for ease of calculation I'll take the figure of 10), it'll be 10 x 7 = 70. Then think about rotis that you've had in a month or a year it'll be 365 x 10 = 3650. Then simply multiply this number with your age, say 30 yrs i.e. 3650 x 30 = 1,09,500. Let's round it off to a figure of 1 lakh. Now envision 1 lakh chapattis lying in front of you, they will definitely require space much bigger than your own size, maybe as big as your bedroom. Can you even think of distributing them in a langar or a bhadara all alone ?? It's impossible for one individual to serve the langar of 1 lakh chapattis all alone but you just ate them up over a period of 30 years. That's not funny.... that's reality... You are connected to abundance of food around you but you never realized that you actually are.

Similarly, we can envision about water intake in our lifetime, that may fill up a swimming pool.  Now that is the way you could think about the money that you made and you spent, then you'll realize that you are much more rich than you actually think you are. It's only a matter of your personal choice which way you want to look for abundance in your life because it's simply not restricted to the countable things like rotis or water (in terms of gallons) or money (in terms of currency). The universe offers you the abundance of things that matter the most to facilitate your existence in it. Things like love, respect, beauty, good health, happiness, satisfaction, knowledge, personal growth, all of them exist in abundance around us. We can not only take these things in abundance but also give them away in abundance and yet we'll be left with them in abundance. Stay connected !! ;)

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